Technology Upgradation and Skill Development Company ( TUSDEC ) has been incorporated in 2005 as a not for profit, guarantee limited company, under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (Pvt.) Ltd. (PIDC). Since then TUSDEC is being successfully managed by a public-private partnership with its 2/3 board members from private and 1/3 from public sector.
TUSDEC is offering following services to support business activities:
- Common Facility Centres (CFCs) in various industrial clusters to facilitate manufacturing sector
- Skill Development Centres (SDCs) across Pakistan to provide skilled manpower to industry
- Design, Support and Maintenance Centres
- Cement and allied materials testing services
- Reverse engineering facility – 3D Scanning & Inspection Services
- Technology need assessment surveys, Skill based surveys, Training need assessments etc.
- In-house consultancy services as well as through registered Consultants