Research is an act of studying something carefully and extensively in order to attain deep knowledge in the subject. For being successful, research should be systematic, arranged, summarized and recorded properly. Those nations excel in the world that possesses strong research institutions. Unfortunately, research institutions in Pakistan are not as vibrant as it should be. This course is designed to bridge this gap and give participants the adequate level of knowledge regarding research methodology.
Course Coverage:
- Definition of Research
- Types of Research
- Literature Review
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative research
- Variables and its Types
- Hypothesis and its Types
- Types of Sampling
- Statistical Concepts
- Reliability and Validity
- SPSS Familiarization
- Writing reputed research papers
Participant Profile:
This course is designed for researchers, graduates, PhD scholars, consultants, academicians and for all those who want to gain in-depth knowledge in this subject.
Instructor Profile:
An experienced and highly qualified professional in the subject will conduct this course.
The course will be delivered through lectures, multimedia presentations, videos and hands-on practice on latest research tools.
Learning Outcome:
Participants will be able to understand this subject in depth and able to publish research papers of international repute in their respective field.