Highly interactive course to understand the basic concepts of Total Quality Management & its implementation is designed to teach the participants about total quality, quality assurance, quality control, underlying techniques of continuous improvement, to reduce costs, increased profits and to develop a sense of satisfaction among your customers and employees.

Course coverage:

  • Introduction and definitions of quality
  • Fundamental parameters of quality
  • Differences between inspection, quality control, quality assurance and total quality
  • Eight quality management principles, their importance to customer satisfaction and corporate
  • Deming’s PDCA cycle, 5S techniques for productivity and quality
  • Concept of Kaizen. Kaizen vs Innovation. Quality control circles concept
  • Cost of quality and its benefits

Implementation Phase:

  • Gaining the commitment, Total quality steering committee & its trainings
  • Development of vision statement & guiding principles, Setting of broad objectives
  • Publication & communication of objectives
  • Identification of strengths & weaknesses
  • Planning for implementation of TQM
  • Establishing quality teams, their trainings and activation
  • Collection and use of customer feedback
  • Collection and use of employee feedback
  • Changing of infrastructure for improvement

Participant Profile:
This course is designed for production/quality/planning general managers, managers, deputy managers, assistant managers, supervisors, students and graduates of mechanical/Chemical Engineering, students and graduates of, Chemistry, DAE, B-Tech mechanical and others who are interested in learning about Quality Management & its implementation.

Instructor Profile:
The trainer has extensive experience in the field of quality control & management, apart from conducting trainings at different levels and different fields of engineering and management, the trainer himself is working in the field of quality control and is very passionate about teaching and implanting quality.

The workshop will be delivered through lectures, multimedia presentations, videos, group discussions and assignments.

Learning Outcome:
At the end of this course participants will have more clear view of quality and its implementation techniques,  loop holes in its implementation and the way forward for an organization & for a nation.