Course Coverage:
- Concretes based on Portland Cements and their Durability
- Concrete Structures before Portland Cement Era
- Reasons for Damages/Deteriorations in Portland Cement Concrete
- Limitations of Concrete
- Repairs and Renovation Market/Demand
- Ordinary Portland Cements Not Suitable for Repairs and Renovation Jobs
- New European Standard for Repairs and Renovations
- Additives/Admixtures in Concrete
- Accelerators
- Retarders
- Normal Range Reducers or Plasticizers
- High range water reducers or super plasticizers
- Advantages of the use
- Air Entraining Agents
- Anti-freezing Admixtures
- Polymers as Repair, Restoration, Water-proofing, Durability improving, and protective materials
- Polymer- Modified Mortars and Concretes
- Types of Polymers in use
- Prepackaged Polymer-Modified Mortars and Slurries
- Principal of latest modifications and its effects on mortars and concretes
- Uses of polymer modified mortars and concretes
- Case histories