Jig design is a complex activity that requires thorough understanding about design, manufacturing, assembly and inspection. With the development of manufacturing technology, flexible manufacturing systems and CNC machinery, a strong demand exists in the Manufacturing industry to reduce machining time and cost. Jigs and fixture aid in reducing time in assembly operations, inspection & quality control and lead times manufacturing setups for large volume jobs.
Course Coverage:
- Introduction to Jigs & Fixtures
- Industrial application
- Elements in Jigs & Fixtures
- Locating and clamping devices
- Economical aspects in manufacturing
- Types of Jigs and their applications
- Inspection & Gauging
- Tooling Materials
- Design Safety
- Examples & case studies
- Design Exercises for Jigs & Fixtures
Participant Profile:
Machine tool designers, die designers, part developers, engineers, diploma holders involved in mechanical & industrial manufacturing and automotive engineering can apply for this course.
Instructor Profile:
Qualified & competent professional having 15+ years in manufacturing industry will conduct this course.
The course will be delivered through lectures, multimedia presentations, videos and hands-on practice on computers.
Learning Outcome:
Participants will be able to understand design techniques of jigs and fixtures. They will be able to attain competency to design and develop jigs and fixtures for a particular part.