In the existing scenario of globalization, an industrial unit established in a village might be competing with thousands of companies worldwide. To be successful in this competitive environment, manufacturing systems must be designed in a way to give maximum output with minimum available resources consistently to gain the competitive edge. This course is designed to train the industry professionals on analysis of manufacturing systems and designing a high productive system with minimum investment.
Course Coverage:
- Fundamentals of Operations Improvement
- Introduction to Kaizen and Production System
- Shop Floor Cost Analysis
- Layout Designing / Re-designing to improve work efficiency
- Eliminating MUDA from Production Floors
- Situation Analysis of Manufacturing System
- Improvement of Manufacturing System
- Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA)
- Development of Kaizen Chart by trainees for their shop floors
Participant Profile:
This course is designed for General Managers, Middle Managers and Engineers from Engineering Industry (e.g. Automotive, Home Appliances, Light Engineering, Forging etc.). Fresh engineering graduates and students of Industrial, Manufacturing, Mechanical and Mechatronics engineering may also apply for this course.
Instructor Profile:
Mr. Muhammad Salman Butt has experience of executing more than 100 projects of Energy Auditing, Implementing Energy Management System and Productivity Improvement in the industrial sector. He has received trainings on Productivity, Energy Efficiency and Management from Germany and Austria. He has also worked with Japanese, German and Indian experts in these fields. Mr. Salman is a Manufacturing Engineer (MSc, UET) and working as Project Manager at bfz gGmbH International Division.
The course will be delivered through lectures, multimedia presentations, videos, group discussions and assignments.
Learning Outcome:
After the completion of this training, participants will be able to develop improvement plans for their respective organizations which eventually lead to the design of a lean manufacturing system.