One of the most important aspects of quality management is leadership. In order to maintain a high quality standard of output in an organization, the management must have strong leadership skills. A great manager must know how to encourage and motivate the employees. They must be open-minded, able to listen, willing to ask questions and able to make themselves and their instructions understood by all. It is important that they are able to effectively communicate with both those employees under their watch, and with the upper management they themselves answer to. If a manager happens to be a poor leader, they will not be able to gain respect from their employees. Top executives are sometimes unaware that the problems within their company lie in the hands of improper management. They need to make sure they are observing and noticing the behavior and skills of their management staff. If they see that there is room for improvement in the leadership skills of their managers, they can always set up extra employee training and development courses. This course is intended to assist the managers in enhancing the skills they already have. If they had no skills, it is unlikely they would not have made it to a position of such authority.
Course Coverage:
- Organizational Development & Culture
- Code of Ethics
- Change Management
- Motivation Techniques
- Employee Empowerment
- Negotiation Techniques
- Quality Teams/Circles
Participant Profile:
Top management, front line managers (production, planning, QA/QC, marketing and others), engineers and other middle management staff.
Instructor Profile:
An experienced, motivated and qualified professional in the field of quality management will conduct this course.
This course employs participative strategy being aided by multimedia presentations and practical project.
Learning Outcome:
Participants will help strengthen their technical abilities, business acumen and leadership skills.