TUSDEC has recently hosted a Management Training Workshop on 12 June, 2012 in collaboration with Business Edge IFC and SME Business Support Fund. The event was conducted at TUSDEC Head Office in Kotlakhpat Indus trial Estate Lahore. The training motive of the workshop was to coach the SME executives of today on “How to Become Effective Managers”. The guest aggregation was comprised of corporate icons from the crest of Small and Medium enterprises and the representatives of key industry players. A guest panel from Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry also made their presence at the workshop.
The session was indubitably edifying with superlative instruction content imparted with an innovative and comprehensive training approach which has been recognized is an insignia to Business Edge training organization. The trainer apprised the audience with effective managerial skills, tools & tactics for strategic implementation, good decision making, monitoring and control, professional commitment, authority delegation, significance of team-based work environment, knowledge management and supervision.
Business Edge is a training system providing practical and viable management solutions to the small and medium size business. The organization has been set up by International Finance Cooperation to deliver localized, need – driven and high impact managerial skill cultivation programs.
The entire event was reflecting an immaculate organization and received great appreciation from the participants towards the end. TUSDEC appreciates and look forward to such mutually prolific associations in order to augment its proposition of value addition to the corporate terrain of Pakistan.